Collegiate Junior School for girls has six Pre-Primary classes housed in their own area of the school, on the Collegiate Campus. Our policy is to accommodate no more than 25 pupils in a class, allowing the six qualified Foundation Phase teachers assistance to create a happy, secure, learning environment, offering individual attention to our girls.
All Pre-Primary pupils wear a Collegiate ‘play uniform’ especially created for comfort and easy movement of the young child.
All items and school requirements are obtainable from the school shop situated in the school building.
The school morning starts at 07:45 each day of the week. The Senior Pre-Primary pupils attend the Foundation Phase assembly on a Wednesday morning. Prefects and a duty teacher do gate duty during the early mornings to welcome and see to the pupils’ safety.
Morning rings start with greetings, news, songs weather and theme discussions. Ring time includes thinking skills, problem solving, sound games (phonics), creative thinking, descriptive language and vocabulary enrichment.
Creative activities grant the pupils an opportunity to explore and practise different skills through a varied daily programme which includes painting, drawing, cutting and sticking, collage and construction, painting and sewing. Educational games develop perceptual skills and are played in small groups daily. All learners are exposed to co-operative learning skills in the classroom situation.
Music rings, movement rings and a specialised Xhosa ring completethe varied morning timetable for all Pre-Primary pupils at Collegiate.
Each day ends with quiet play and a story time before the pupils depart at 12:35.
The daily programme allows the learner time to play, use her energy, be creative, face fears and strengthen her body. Furthermore, she learns the important life skill of socialising and sharing with her peers at school.
Class organization – At the start of each school year the pre-primary pupils are grouped into their respective classes according to date of birth. The aim is to allow each individual to be in a group or class in which she would best fit. The purpose of assessment is to aid the development of the child and not for the purpose of promotion.
A written report is handed out at a parent meeting at the end of the 1st and 2nd term and a summary report at the end of November. Personal interviews between parents and teachers are encouraged, at convenient times, throughout the year.
Admission to grade 1 is automatic. The Governing Body does, however, reserve the right to refuse progression of a learner into the formal education section of the school should there be continuous default of payment of school fees