Collegiate School

We aspire to provide a rich variety of learning experiences in a caring and secure child centred environment

We aim to develop confidence, creativity, critical thinking, adaptability and resilience to enable the girls to reach their full potential

We seek to work together to educate the whole child so that learning is enjoyable, success is celebrated and children feel valued

Welcome to the website of Collegiate Junior School for Girls

Ever since I started my teaching career in 1995, one of my daily goals was to see my learners happy.  In 2019, I had the wonderful privilege of being appointed as the Principal of Collegiate Junior School for Girls.  It struck a special chord in my heart when I came to Collegiate and learned that the vision statement for our school is to empower our girls to be progressive and happy in an ever-changing world.

We all want the same things for our children.  We want them to grow up to love and be loved, to follow their dreams, and to find success.  Mostly, though, we want them to be happy.  

At Collegiate, we believe that happiness is one of the most important criteria that needs to be constantly evaluated to ensure our girls’ success.  A happy attitude facilitates learning and creates health – both emotionally and physically.  It gives one strength to persevere.  Happiness encourages kindness, diffuses misbehaviour and ignites good moral character.

So how do we achieve happiness at Collegiate Junior?  The answer is that we strive, as staff, to set a powerful example of how important it is to be happy ourselves.  We go to great lengths to make our school days, in the classroom and out, as happy as possible, by being kind and respectful while consistently enforcing discipline that is gentle yet firm, and by ensuring that all are safe.

We provide our girls with learning experiences that ignite creative thinking, and that are meaningful and fun. Our school environment is colourful, neat and full of wonderful resources which offer our girls a variety of opportunities in all spheres.  We also know that life has its challenges and is tough at times.  Our girls have support from their teachers, our school counsellor if necessary, and because of their positive experiences, they have the emotional strength to persevere and be successful.

Our school strives to make our girls happy. Our girls know that they are loved, they are safe, they are seen, they are encouraged to do their best, and they are acknowledged for their progress, no matter their ability.  They know that every girl is important at Collegiate Junior.

We have seen that happiness gives our girls power and strength to choose to do the right thing and be successful.  It is their most valuable asset.

Enjoy exploring our website, and our Facebook page, to see all that we proudly offer.

Many blessings

Shelley van Rooyen


Our facebook page Collegiate Junior School

Meet our Staff

Dedicated, hard working, caring – Collegiate Junior is blessed with the best 




Art, Drama, Music




Spiritually | Emotionally

We Value Education

Collegiate is a Section 21, Quintile 5 public school and we follow the CAPS (national curriculum) as set out by the Department of Education.

Facta non Verba

We Value Education

Collegiate is a Section 21, Quintile 5 public school and we follow the CAPS (national curriculum) as set out by the Department of Education. We pride ourselves on academic excellence and our girls are encouraged to do their best. The purpose of assessment is to aid the development of the child and not merely for the purpose of progression. Assessment is on-going and it highlights personal strengths and weaknesses. We certainly aim to make learning fun in the process!

Safety and Security

Safety and security is our joint responsibility
Please keep your contact details up-to-date with the office
Be vigilant at pedestrian crossing
To avoid being a victim of remote jamming, always check that your car doors are locked when coming into the school

Our vision is to maintain a caring and secure environment in which pupils may develop intellectually, socially, physically, culturally, emotionally and spiritually.